I’m standing in front of the fireplace, trying to get warm, and observing the feathers on my mantle. But even before the feathers began to stir up reflections, I saw the card from my deck, prominently placed, that says, “Even flowers must go through dirt.”

Sometime in the month or two after placing that card on my mantle, someone commented about the strength of wildflowers which can grow up through concrete. And now every time I see this card, I remember that I have not only grown through dirt but also through concrete.

Concrete is heavy hard and immovable. It blocks light and water from everything underneath it. It is what we build on as a foundation. We build huge skyscrapers on concrete and yet a tiny little wildflower can grow up through it and the root of a tree can cause it to crack.

I am the wildflower.

Cracking the concrete of my own foundations looking for sunshine water light and fresh air.

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